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Second Move 3 sticks and make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares puzzle

2nd Move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

Move 3 matches to make 2 squares in matchstick puzzle figure. How many solutions can you find? Time to solve 5 minutes. It is a fun puzzle. Give it a try.

The Matchstick Puzzle

Part I: In the puzzle figure, move 3 matches to make 2 squares.

2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle

Part II: How many unique solutions can you find? A unique solution means—if you rotate the solution figure, it will remain unique. And you have to find ALL such unique solutions.

Total recommended time: 5 minutes.



The matchstick puzzle figure is not made up of usually encountered complete regular geometric shapes of squares or triangles. It does not have any such single closed shape. And it comprises a fairly large number of 15 sticks.

How should you proceed?

You can go ahead by using trial and error, but usually that takes more time. Instead, if you do a bit of analysis, you can reach at least one solution quickly. And that’ll solve the first part of the puzzle.

Solution to 2nd Move 3 matches to make 2 squares puzzle: Structural analysis and reasoning—Identifying which sticks to move

First step of solving any matchstick puzzle is to count number of sticks—it is 15.

Obviously, to make 2 squares out of these 15 sticks,

Conclusion 1: The 2 squares must be of unequal size—one large square with 3 stick side length and one small square of 1 stick side length.

Why not 4-stick side larger square?

Reason: Four-stick long sides of a square would require 16 matchsticks. Even if you create the 1-stick side smaller square attached in a corner of the larger square, the number of common sides will be 2, and the total number of sticks required would be 16+4−2=18, more than what you have.

And if you attach the smaller square anywhere else inside the larger square, the number of common sides will be only 1, and the total number of sticks used would further increase by 1 to 19.

Think over: Why you cannot use 3-stick side larger square and 2-stick side smaller square. Use similar logic.

How can you use 15 sticks to form two squares?

Number of sticks required to make two such independent squares, one 3 stick side and the other 1 stick side, would be, 12+4=16.

As you have 15 sticks,

Conclusion 2: There must be 1 stick common between the two squares reducing the number of sticks needed from 16 to 15.

The third conclusion is easy to make,

Conclusion 3: You have to close the gap of the larger square, AND form the 1-stick side smaller square attached to the middle stick of any side of the large square.

If you form the small square at any corner of the large square, there would be 2 common sticks, not 1. Sticks used would then be 14, not 15.

2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle: Which sticks to move?

Candidates obviously are the four sticks inside the larger square.

It seems, you may keep stick 1 undisturbed, but sticks 2, 3 and 4 you should move as these are well inside the larger square. These three will be isolated and left hanging if stick 1 closes the gap to complete the larger square.

The following figure shows the four candidate sticks numbered.

2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle - sticks to move

Which 3 of the four sticks are to be moved?

Final stage of solution to 2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle: Convenient position of stick 1 helps quick solution

You have already concluded that the new smaller square must be formed attached to the middle stick of a side of the larger square (so that the number of common side is 1, not 2).

This is what we call as a BINDING CONDITION that cannot be violated.

You have stick 1 already waiting for the other two sides of the smaller square to be formed. So it is convenient not to be moved.

Solution is now clear,

Move any of the 3 sticks numbered 2, 3 and 4 to close the gap of the larger square, and form the smaller square with the rest two free sticks and existing stick number 1.

Following figure shows the solution.

2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle solution

2nd move 3 matches to make 2 squares matchstick puzzle: How many unique solutions?

For a moment forget the convenience of keeping stick 1 unmoved. Open your mind to all possibilities without any bias.

If instead of stick 1, you keep stick 2 fixed can you not make another similar solution shape?

Why, yes. You can.

Close the gap of the large square by stick 1 and complete the two other sides of small square by moving stick 3 and stick 4 with stick 2 already waiting as an existing side.

The small square is formed in this case on the left vertical side of the large square.

This will be the second solution.

Well, well, you can also form two other solution shapes by keeping fixed stick 3 and stick 4, respectively.

With stick 3 fixed, the small square is formed on the bottom horizontal side and with stick 4 fixed, the small square is formed on the right vertical side of the larger square.

There can then be four solutions that look different.

If you don’t rotate, you will have 4 unique solutions, but if you rotate any of the solution shapes it’ll be same as the other three.

Rotationally unique solution is only 1.

You have taken care of all possibilities! Exhaustively.

End Note

If you form your own matchstick puzzle and solve it exhaustively using all methods you know and can create, it will be a richly rewarding experience and interesting pastime.

Know how to solve difficult problems easily without wasting time on random attempts

Our ebook on puzzle solutions by innovative methods will show you just that.

Puzzles for Adults eBook

Puzzles for Adults: 50 Brain Teasers with Step-by-Step Solutions: Boost Your Power of Problem Solving

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BUY the eBook Amazon Kindle version here, from Google Play here and Paperback here.

Second book on Innovative Solutions to Matchstick Puzzles from Suresolv

Matchstick puzzles innovative solutions

BUY Creative Matchstick Puzzles Innovative Solutions eBook Amazon Kindle version

BUY the paperback here.


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